TRUE AND FALSE: THREE POINTS OF PROOF![]() True and False: Three Points of Proof is a strategy designed to take questions and activities from the Remembering and Understanding levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and jack them up to the Analyzing and Evaluating echelon. Most worksheets and standardized questions have students recall or remember the information and explain ideas or concepts. True and False: Three Points of Proof requires students to justify a stand or their decision for proving one answer choice true and the others false.
STUMP THE PROFESSOR![]() Stump the Professor is a fun way to get students to approach new/reviewed information in a totally different way that is fun and challenging. It reverses the roles of the teacher and the students in that it provides the students with the opportunity to play with their learning and propose questions about an area being studied and it is the teacher's job to correctly answer the questions put forth by the students.
![]() Brain Weights is a note taking and summarizing system that incorporates both linguistic and non linguistic representations. With four simple and well defined areas for notes and summarizing, Brain Weights is sure to be an awesome addition to your classroom. Students are required to ask a question, create a visual, show examples or steps, and finally answer the question in their own words. We have included three different versions of Brain Weights for you to choose that will best fit the needs of your students.
TALKING POINTS - ELL AND CCSS REVIEW GAME![]() Talking Points is a review game intended to stimulate student discussion and use of academic vocabulary, especially geared towards the Common Core State Standards. In addition, this is a perfect activity for ELL students, as it provides a fun and non threatening environment to talk.
We have included three different downloads: Talking Points Manual, Talking Points word template, and Primary Talking Points word template.