Friends of the Project
PEPnonprofit is proud to be friends with some incredible teachers and organizations. The following sites support what PEPnonprofit is doing and are doing some pretty amazing things too.
Warning! Only check them out if you want some truly AMAZING ideas for your students and classroom!
Warning! Only check them out if you want some truly AMAZING ideas for your students and classroom! - Our friend, the Teacher Tipster, has tons of free (and clever) activities, videos, songs, printables, and tips for teachers. The Teacher Tipster has almost 100 free tip vids on his YouTube channel. He also shares tips each week on the "Tip Jar" which is part of his Facebook community. The videos are AWESOME. I promise you'll come away inspired! - Mrs. Zeek is an incredible First Grade Teacher. She has a passion for making new things for her classroom and students. She's a wee-bit obsessed with Pinterest and has done tons of things that she has found there. Her blog is equipped with tons of FREE materials that she has created or tweaked. Zeek's Zoo is a primary teacher's paradise. - This site is full of free, regularly updated and dynamic content for homeschoolingand afterschooling parents and teachers. MathFour helps parents identify and say out loud the math they do every day – like choosing the cheaper gallon of milk, or calculating their gas mileage. This helps their kids be more familiar and comfortable with math so they can be successful in their math classes! Bon Crowder is on a mission to show that Math is not a four letter word. - This site has a collection of interrelated print and online resources that make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Created by Angela Watson, the cornerstone is a place to share tools for overcoming the discipline issues, disorganization, and paperwork overload that drive so many teachers from the classroom each year.